martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

Basic Rugby Threes (Rugby 3) rules

Rugby 3 is a rugby form in which games are played by two teams with three players each one.
Every team may have more players to make changes during the game, at any time of the game. Stopping the game its not necessary to do players´changes.
Rugby 3 field game dimensions are 38 m. X 20 m. These dimensions are orientatives, and they will be possible to adapt to the circumstances of every moment. The surface of the field will be of grass or any other, smooth and without obstacles, in that it could practise safely (tracks of handball, of basketball, artificial grass, beaches, snow, etc).
The obtained tries add 5 points.
In Rugby 3 there are not tackles, but touches to detain the advance of the players that they attack, like in the Touch Rugby games.
When a player who attacks with the ball is touched, it must stop in the place where the touch has been produced. To put the ball again in game, the touched player must touch the ball with the foot (without need to put the ball on the ground) and to pass it to a teammate. When a player is touched, all the players of the defensive team must move back 3 meters taking as a reference the place where the touch has been produced.
A Rugby 3 game consists of two times of 7 minutes, with a rest between two times of 2 minutes. This duration is orientative, and it will be possible modify as decide the teams that should be going to play the game.
The Rugby 3 is played with a size 4 rugby ball.
In Rugby 3 referees do not need. The players are those who apply the rules of the game. If during the game there is no agreement between the players about a concrete play, the captains will have to solve the question in a maximum time of 20 seconds. If there is no agreement between the captains, the game will be suspended.
Nevertheless, if both teams agree, a referee will be able to direct the game.

- VERSION: Rugby threes on a Rugby XV way.
Rugby threes/XV way is characterized for:
The game begins, both in the first one and in the second half, with a scrum.
The scrum is formed over the ball, which is before deposited in the midfield.
Every team forms the scrum with the first row of two players and one second row of one player.
After obtaining a try, the team that has scored it may to obtain two more points if it transforms a kick realized from the midfield and with the angle corresponding to the place where the ball had settled on having the try.
The transformation is obtained if the ball passes, without touching before on ground, between two marks indicated on the center of the line of try, among which there will be a distance of 3 meters. All the kicking actions on Rugby threes are made on a "drop kick" way.
For penalty kick it will be possible kicking " to sticks " when the team that it attacks makes an fallen pass and the ball falls to ground, inside its own half zone of field. This penalty kick its 3 points if obtained. In this supposition, the opposite team may choose to kick " to sticks" from any place of the line of the midfield or start again the game with pass to the hand from where the ball fell.
3.-Starting from sideline after ball goes out (touche).
When a team loses the ball for going out this for the sideline, the opposite team will put the ball on again from the sideline like in rugby XV way. Only there will be able to dispute the ball two players of every team. The player who does not dispute the touche will have to place opposite the one that it puts the ball on from the sidelina and it will not be able to intervene just in that play directly.
It will be allowed to tackle a player, like in rugby XV way, if it decides to run with the ball, (after touching it with the foot), after having been touched by a defender player. This option is not possible if the touch takes place inside the area of try or inside the area of three meters.
The player may then annotate a try or pass the ball to a teammate, who will not may be tackled.
If he or she passes to a teammate and this one obtains a try, this will be worth 5 points.
If the player who decides to run with the ball after being touched is touched again in this action, its team will lose the possession of ball. Also it will lose the possession of ball if any other player is touched in this attacking phase, with independence of the number of total touches.
If the player tackled falls to ground as result of the tackle, the opposite team that will may to execute a penalty kick from the midfield or to initiate a play of attack, with a hand pass, from the place where tackle was produced.

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